CDME Module 2: Vision, Hearing, Diabetes Mellitus
Module 2 Update (READ THIS FIRST)
Module 2 Update (READ THIS FIRST)
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The addendum for Module 2 of the ACOEM Commercial Driver Medical Examiner Training Program focuses on changes related to vision, hearing, and diabetes mellitus. The addendum provides key points and updates to be aware of in these areas.<br /><br />The first major change is the Alternative Vision Standard, which allows drivers who do not meet the existing visual acuity or field of vision standards to still be qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle without an exemption. However, if a driver can meet the original standard with corrective lenses, they are not eligible for the alternative standard. This change eliminates the need for the Federal vision exemption program. Medical examiners should not mark the box for "accompanied by a Federal vision waiver/exemption" on the Medical Examination Report (MER) Form. The alternative vision standard requires a Vision Evaluation Report completed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, which the medical examiner reviews but ultimately makes the qualification decision. The alternative standard is valid for up to one year, and a copy of the Vision Evaluation Report must be retained for three years.<br /><br />The second update pertains to the Insulin-Treated Diabetes Mellitus Assessment Form, which has been updated with a new expiration date. Additionally, the Medical Review Board (MRB) has proposed an optional form for drivers with diabetes who are not being treated with insulin.<br /><br />The resources provided include updated slides for Module 2, the Federal Register publication on the Alternative Vision Standard, the Vision Evaluation Report, the updated Insulin-Treated Diabetes Mellitus Assessment Form, and the proposed optional form for non-insulin-treated diabetes. This information can be found on the respective websites listed.<br /><br />Overall, the Module 2 addendum highlights the changes made to the vision, hearing, and diabetes standards for commercial drivers and provides the necessary resources for medical examiners to stay updated and properly evaluate drivers in these areas.
Module 2
Commercial Driver
Medical Examiner Training Program
diabetes mellitus
Alternative Vision Standard
Medical Examination Report
Insulin-Treated Diabetes Mellitus Assessment Form
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