JOEM: Negative Employment Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.. (November 2021)
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Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $60.00
Resident and Retired Member: $20.00
Credit Offered
No Credit Offered
ACOEM offers CME for reading selected articles in our peer-reviewed Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (JOEM). One (1) credit can be earned per article.

To earn credits, you must have an active individual subscription to JOEM for the issue in which the ACOEM Online CME course is offered. The CME activity itself must not be expired.

To access the online exam, after reading the article referenced in the title of this product and purchasing the CME product, login to ACOEM Connect. Go to My ACOEM, then Education and then Access Online Education to complete the online exam and evaluation.
Upon completion of this educational activity, learners should be able to:

• Discuss previous findings on associations between employment loss and psychological distress.
• Summarize the new findings on acute increases in negative employment changes during the COVID-19 pandemic and levels of psychological distress.
• Discuss the findings on the modifying effects of race on the mental health effects of employment loss. "
This activity is designed for physicians and other healthcare professionals who specialize in or have an interest in OEM. Advanced practitioners such as industrial hygienists, safety professionals and environmental health specialists will receive value from participating in the activity.
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