Session 1:
Lead – in pipes. Our experience and a review of leaded pipe dope in occupational groups. The importance of biological monitoring of exposure and different methods to assess previous (short term) and chronic (cumulative) exposure
Cheryl Rook, RN, COHN(C), COHN-S, CRSP, DOHS, Dip.(McMaster) Env. Health;
*Nothing to disclose
Kevin Hedges, PhD., M. App. Sc., BSc., COH, CIH
*Nothing to disclose
- Background – Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) including history and recent projects.
- Update on lead.
- OHCOW - approached by UNIFOR national and local to review lead risk management for Lead Exposure from Thread Sealant containing lead.
- What is the (lead based) thread sealant and how have gas fitters been exposed.
- What are the up to date known health effects from inorganic lead exposure?
- How is lead exposure assessed (personal exposure and biological monitoring).
- What is biological monitoring of exposure for lead.
- The importance of biological monitoring of exposure and different methods to assess previous (short term) and chronic (cumulative) exposure.
- Do current regulations offer an acceptable level of protection for all workers?
Session 2:
Libby Amphibole Disease: Not your grandfather's asbestosis
Jaime Szeinuk, MD, MS
*Nothing to disclose
- Describe the particular clinical manifestations of Libby amphibole disease.
- Identify the particular radiographic abnormalities associated with Libby amphibole disease.
- Describe immunological abnormalities associated with exposure to Libby amphibole.
Session 3:
The East Palestine Derailment: What happened, what did we learn, and how do we move forward
Kevin Trangle, Kevin Trangle, MD, MBA, FACOEM, FAADEP, BCIM, CIME, ABIME, CMRO
*Nothing to disclose
Teresa Ehnert
*Nothing to disclose
Susan Santos, Ph.D., M.S.
*Nothing to disclose
- Understand the full sequence of events that led to the East Palestine derailment on February 3, 2023 (including a toxicological and environmental overview)
- 2Review incident command structure in the event of an environmental disaster and how respective agencies are activated.
- 3Learn risk communication techniques that can be employed in the event of an environmental disaster for timely notifications to stakeholders.
Session 4:
Changing Climate: New York City Haze and Wildfire Smoke Impacting Worker's Health in the Urban Metropolis
Ismail Nabeel, MD, MPH, MS
*Nothing to disclose
- Upon completion, participants will be able to relate to the recent experience of New York City and the American Northeast being engulfed in thick smoke due to wildfires illustrate the connection between climate change, wildfire, and air quality, and what are the specific health implications for workers in such areas?
- Upon completion, participants will be able to learn about the practical strategies or interventions to protect the health of these workers in the face of worsening air quality conditions.
- Upon completion, participants will be able to understand some of the potential policy measures that can be employed to mitigate the health risks associated with poor air quality for both outdoor workers and the general population.